Our projects

Investor Wand

Description: Investor Wand is an investment decision support company that helps retail and professional investors make better investment choices.

Technologies: CakePHP, JQuery, html, css, mysql



Description: Information system for wellness,fitness and sport clubs. It is a complex system with RFID identification of customers, lot of features for tracking customers, coaches, salary calculations...

Technologies: .net, crystal reports, sql server


Diet creator

Description: Online system for nutritionists and dietists. This is a complex system for creating diets and meals with automatic calculations of nutrition values. Also the system has complex notification system for managing patients.

Technologies: PHP, JQuery, HTML, CSS, mysql


Texas Bet

Description: Real time Texas hold'em beting system with fancy graphics.

Technologies: clients(.net, crystal report) server(tomcat, java, mysql)

Gaming data extraction

Description: Complex extraction tools for online gaming applications based on different hacks.

Technologies: .net, mysql, php


Web data extraction

Description: Data extracted from hundreds of sites for lot of our customers.

Technologies: .net, java, perl, php